22 / 06 / 2016
Which is the most economical heating way?

Based on the research from the National Technical University of Athens the energy savings in heating mode with the use of heat pumps (air conditioners) can be managed to 80% in contrast to the conventional heating . The DC Inverter air conditioners are the only heating systems with COP bigger than 4, in contrast to boilers where the COP can’t surpass the 0.9. This means that the heat pumps, for every 1 kW perform more than 4 kW of energy, in contrast to boilers that for every 1 kW perform less than 1 kW. For example the costs of a modern house 100 ² in Attiki region will reach for the annual heating power consumption of the air conditioners, 560€. For the same house the heating cost with conventional ways can surpass even the 2200€ (diesel boiler). Read more on our Inventor heating catalogue.